As you could probably tell, I'm not doing so hot on the "daily" blog entry thing. Then again, since I'm just about the only person who reads this (as far as I know, anyway), I don't really see the point, and especially when I'm as busy as I have been for the last couple of weeks.
Being sick certainly hasn't helped with the workload. Seems to be quite the communicable cold that's been going around campus, lately--perfectly timed. Our schedules are such that no one can afford to take the time to get better before returning to class or work, and hence everyone gets to share in the joy that is phlegm. The wonders of the modern age, will they never cease?
Bitterness aside, I've never felt more productive in my entire life than I have in the past several weeks. I've completed almost thirty pages of a screenplay, made two short films, and that's pretty much it as far as feeling productive is concerned--critical analysis of perpetual snoozefests is not my idea of productivity. It seems like the other two classes are just filler, anyway--the semester's core is based in 290 and screenwriting.
Housing concerns have once again reared their malformed heads, but at least this time they should save David and I some money and future hassles.
Haven't had much of a nightlife, lately, though arguably I've never had much of one. Next to "life of the party" in the dictionary, you will not find my picture. Just not really a part of my personality. That said, I feel like I need to get the fuck out of Dodge a little more often than I've been managing to. This weekend should offer some respite since I don't have any work to do for 290 other than future planning, so perhaps I'll try to live a little. Not that the killing of brain cells to produce euphoric sensations should really be considered as "living" as death is the opposite of life, but who gives a shit? It relaxes you, and my gods, I could use some relaxation.
Yes, I used the plural "gods." Not that I've discovered a polytheistic religion or anything, just a side-effect of watching Battlestar Galactica. I really ought to write a post regarding my experiences with the show, as it's perhaps one of the most interesting I've ever had with a television series. Next time I'm bored.
Probably one reason no one reads this is that if they're here and they know who I am, they probably know most if not everything that I've written down. Even if they're not here, if they know who I am and I talk to them at all, they probably know most if not everything I've written down. Who wants to read redundant ranting garbage? The other possibility is that this is read but no one comments and I'm not sure I have any way of accessing a counter that tells me how often the blog is accessed. And a final possibility is that I'm writing this for myself anyway and who gives a flipping fuck? I write it, I read it, and it's good practice to express oneself every so often. It keeps the language and typing skills healthy and lean.
Blogging. It does your mind good.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Hickory Dockory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
One week has passed, with a second on the way out. One project has passed, with a second about to be embarked upon. Classes are long, making the days seem to drag on forever. Wednesday is the new Friday. Friday, while free from classes, is a work day so that I may not go broke. Weekends are project time. Life is inserted somewhere in between.
The clock struck one
Ideas are a dime a dozen, but I don't think I can make a short about carnivorous Oscar Meyer hot dogs; at least, not this weekend. I might be tired, I might be confused because we haven't really been given our parameters yet, but nothing really viable seems to be coming up. Something weird, maybe, but weird for the sake of weird? Then again, weird for the sake of weird. Pretension mocking pretension? Or fucking hand puppets?
The mouse ran down
Thought my cold/congestion was on the outs, but had a resurgence today. Perhaps the weather? Perhaps not. Also, need to catch up on Battlestar Galactica episodes by Sunday. Almost done with the second season. It's gonna be rough with all the work that needs to get done, but I'll be damned if I don't try. Wish I didn't suck so bad at Gears of War. Bad, horrible reflexes. If I can get through the next couple of weeks, I can do this. Go, motivation! Go!
Hickory Dickory Dock
One week has passed, with a second on the way out. One project has passed, with a second about to be embarked upon. Classes are long, making the days seem to drag on forever. Wednesday is the new Friday. Friday, while free from classes, is a work day so that I may not go broke. Weekends are project time. Life is inserted somewhere in between.
The clock struck one
Ideas are a dime a dozen, but I don't think I can make a short about carnivorous Oscar Meyer hot dogs; at least, not this weekend. I might be tired, I might be confused because we haven't really been given our parameters yet, but nothing really viable seems to be coming up. Something weird, maybe, but weird for the sake of weird? Then again, weird for the sake of weird. Pretension mocking pretension? Or fucking hand puppets?
The mouse ran down
Thought my cold/congestion was on the outs, but had a resurgence today. Perhaps the weather? Perhaps not. Also, need to catch up on Battlestar Galactica episodes by Sunday. Almost done with the second season. It's gonna be rough with all the work that needs to get done, but I'll be damned if I don't try. Wish I didn't suck so bad at Gears of War. Bad, horrible reflexes. If I can get through the next couple of weeks, I can do this. Go, motivation! Go!
Hickory Dickory Dock
Friday, January 12, 2007
Another Time, Highlander!
It's official: this semester I shall be living film, whether I be eating, sleeping, or scrounging through garbage.
In the next couple of days, I'll be shooting my first short for 290, for which I am attempting to storyboard as I type. I've also begun thinking about other projects for this semester, and have actually managed to be timely in preparing the next segment of my script for 206. I was advised that I'd have to master time management for this term, and after this week I wholeheartedly concur. But I'm not worried about it being hard, because it all is starting seem like it's gonna be fun--a helluva lot of work to be sure, but fun.
Thinking of ideas, while I was having a late-night snack before going to bed I flipped on the TV and the first Highlander film was on. Having seen it through Netflix last semester, I was reminded of how I felt that the concept was interesting, but the movie is ultimately unenjoyable because of some über-cheesy lines, an unattractive romantic interest for the hero, cheap special effects, and some disjointed storytelling. Also strange is having a Frenchman playing a Scottish highlander and a Scotsman playing a Spaniard-Egyptian nobleman, though Sean Connery is easily the best part of the film after the cool concept.
I couldn't help but think of how the film could be improved if it were to be remade, making the story more cohesive and taking advantage of improvements in special effects technology. Remaking something that could artistically benefit from the process, in other words, as opposed to remaking something that was already successful to make money (*ahem Psycho *ahem). I thought about this watching it in the fall and dismissed it, but the need seemed equally pronounced watching the little snippet I caught of the film last night. I suppose that any attempt to improve it would raise calls of "Lambert forever!" and "Connery rulez, b&@tch!!" or some other such deriding comment.
Certainly, Highlander is entertaining to watch. While not exactly nail-biting, it has plentiful action sequences and the "cheese" factor provides a few good laughs, and Clancy Brown as the Kurgan always injects some life into his scenes; you kick ass, Mr. Krabs. However, this is all a very-low level of enjoyment; enjoyable, yes, but only in that "this is so 80s" way. As a fan of fantasy and science-fiction, I find it a shame that the concept of the film be left to wither in what is objectively a mediocre effort. I've not subjected myself to the sequels, which I've heard are abysmal and make Highlander appear to be at the level of Citizen Kane, nor do I remember much of the television series, save that it seemed kind of cool when I was in elementary school.
A story about a race of Immortals fighting to control the fate of humanity is cool. Bad lightning effects and lines fit for a Steven Seagal movie are only cool in a "that sucks so bad it's AWESOME!" way. Highlander deserves to exist in a state of true quality. Obviously I'm busy now, but some day I may just have to give it a crack at rewriting the film just to see if I can do better, and to see if it can be done better. Some day, but not this day.
This day I am 290's bitch.
P.S. If anybody is having trouble getting mini-DVs this weekend, I have plenty for the time being, so just let me know. Good luck!
In the next couple of days, I'll be shooting my first short for 290, for which I am attempting to storyboard as I type. I've also begun thinking about other projects for this semester, and have actually managed to be timely in preparing the next segment of my script for 206. I was advised that I'd have to master time management for this term, and after this week I wholeheartedly concur. But I'm not worried about it being hard, because it all is starting seem like it's gonna be fun--a helluva lot of work to be sure, but fun.
Thinking of ideas, while I was having a late-night snack before going to bed I flipped on the TV and the first Highlander film was on. Having seen it through Netflix last semester, I was reminded of how I felt that the concept was interesting, but the movie is ultimately unenjoyable because of some über-cheesy lines, an unattractive romantic interest for the hero, cheap special effects, and some disjointed storytelling. Also strange is having a Frenchman playing a Scottish highlander and a Scotsman playing a Spaniard-Egyptian nobleman, though Sean Connery is easily the best part of the film after the cool concept.
I couldn't help but think of how the film could be improved if it were to be remade, making the story more cohesive and taking advantage of improvements in special effects technology. Remaking something that could artistically benefit from the process, in other words, as opposed to remaking something that was already successful to make money (*ahem Psycho *ahem). I thought about this watching it in the fall and dismissed it, but the need seemed equally pronounced watching the little snippet I caught of the film last night. I suppose that any attempt to improve it would raise calls of "Lambert forever!" and "Connery rulez, b&@tch!!" or some other such deriding comment.
Certainly, Highlander is entertaining to watch. While not exactly nail-biting, it has plentiful action sequences and the "cheese" factor provides a few good laughs, and Clancy Brown as the Kurgan always injects some life into his scenes; you kick ass, Mr. Krabs. However, this is all a very-low level of enjoyment; enjoyable, yes, but only in that "this is so 80s" way. As a fan of fantasy and science-fiction, I find it a shame that the concept of the film be left to wither in what is objectively a mediocre effort. I've not subjected myself to the sequels, which I've heard are abysmal and make Highlander appear to be at the level of Citizen Kane, nor do I remember much of the television series, save that it seemed kind of cool when I was in elementary school.
A story about a race of Immortals fighting to control the fate of humanity is cool. Bad lightning effects and lines fit for a Steven Seagal movie are only cool in a "that sucks so bad it's AWESOME!" way. Highlander deserves to exist in a state of true quality. Obviously I'm busy now, but some day I may just have to give it a crack at rewriting the film just to see if I can do better, and to see if it can be done better. Some day, but not this day.
This day I am 290's bitch.
P.S. If anybody is having trouble getting mini-DVs this weekend, I have plenty for the time being, so just let me know. Good luck!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Condition: Red, Report to Battle Stations!
The klaxons are blaring, people are scrambling, and an atmosphere of rising stress begins to saturate the air...
Classes started today. Fortunately, I had only one and it didn't start until 2 PM--History of International Cinema, Post WWII. Having taken the "Prior to WWII" version of the class previously, I felt I had a good idea of what to expect and was sure that this would be a go-with-the-flow, easy-as-pie Critical Studies class. While it remains to be seen if I was totally wrong, I quickly discovered that this class will not be the cakewalk that its predecessor was. The lectures aren't based from PowerPoint slides, so my attention will be required; there is an additional film that must be seen outside of class per week; four unannounced quizzes based upon the readings of which three will count for a quarter of our grade; and if today's film was an indicator, a series of slow and unrelentingly pretentious films to be watched. I give the Italians props for what they attempted to achieve, but that doesn't mean I found watching a man and his son search for his stolen bicycle for an hour and a half to be entertainment, especially since you know that, because its a "neo-realist" film, that they won't find it.
I was also privy to some potentially unnerving information regarding our week's assignment for 290, which I have no doubt shall be the most unforgiving class I've taken yet at 'SC. I'll leave more specific thoughts about that for when I've heard the poison straight from the source--which ought to be tomorrow--but it sounds like this weekend could be the beginning of all the "F-U-N."
My condolences go out to all the Buckeyes fans out there. While I'm not exactly scarlet-and-gray myself, I do have to say that it was a bit sad to see them take such a beating when they were supposed to be the clear favorite. Makes me wonder about a Trojans VS. Buckeyes match-up all the more, and what might have been.
Also, the love for my Xbox 360 continues to blossom. Oblivion is awesome, if a bit daunting, and Gears of War is a perpetual explosion of tension from checkpoint to checkpoint (though I admittedly am terrible on my own; props and thanks to Chris for the co-op session last week). I also saw David play Twilight Princess on his Wii today, and was somewhat disappointed. Granted that I wasn't playing, so the immersion factor was non-existant, but the graphics were somewhat of a let-down (seemed very washed out) and the presentation just seemed lacking. I hope to give it a try in the future, and I'd still like to give the Wii a shot, but I no longer have any qualms whatsoever about my decision on getting the 360. Plan on catching up and getting Knights of the Old Republic soon.
I heard from Neil today, and will be seeing him and DeSilva tomorrow after classes. We'll probably go out and get a bite to eat, which will be a nice change of pace for me as I've already grown tired of my groceries (because they're the same thing I was eating last semester!). Looking forward to catching up with them.
Lastly, I've been trying to get back into Lovecraft recently and coming up with story ideas similar to his stylistically. I'm not too sure when I'm going to have enough time to work on any such ideas, but they keep creeping into my head and fit perfectly with my sensibilities. As far as Lovecraft himself is concerned, his prose can be dry and his style repetitive (e.g. "The abomination was horrible beyond measure, such that any sane man, upon catching sight of its wicked flesh, would descend into madness..."), but his stories can be quite evocative in the right doses, and his mythos is interestingly creepy. Possibilities, I guess.
I suppose this'll do for now. Have to get up at 9 AM, which is early for the average college student, and certainly for this one.
See ya tomorrow. Same blog time, same blog station.
Classes started today. Fortunately, I had only one and it didn't start until 2 PM--History of International Cinema, Post WWII. Having taken the "Prior to WWII" version of the class previously, I felt I had a good idea of what to expect and was sure that this would be a go-with-the-flow, easy-as-pie Critical Studies class. While it remains to be seen if I was totally wrong, I quickly discovered that this class will not be the cakewalk that its predecessor was. The lectures aren't based from PowerPoint slides, so my attention will be required; there is an additional film that must be seen outside of class per week; four unannounced quizzes based upon the readings of which three will count for a quarter of our grade; and if today's film was an indicator, a series of slow and unrelentingly pretentious films to be watched. I give the Italians props for what they attempted to achieve, but that doesn't mean I found watching a man and his son search for his stolen bicycle for an hour and a half to be entertainment, especially since you know that, because its a "neo-realist" film, that they won't find it.
I was also privy to some potentially unnerving information regarding our week's assignment for 290, which I have no doubt shall be the most unforgiving class I've taken yet at 'SC. I'll leave more specific thoughts about that for when I've heard the poison straight from the source--which ought to be tomorrow--but it sounds like this weekend could be the beginning of all the "F-U-N."
My condolences go out to all the Buckeyes fans out there. While I'm not exactly scarlet-and-gray myself, I do have to say that it was a bit sad to see them take such a beating when they were supposed to be the clear favorite. Makes me wonder about a Trojans VS. Buckeyes match-up all the more, and what might have been.
Also, the love for my Xbox 360 continues to blossom. Oblivion is awesome, if a bit daunting, and Gears of War is a perpetual explosion of tension from checkpoint to checkpoint (though I admittedly am terrible on my own; props and thanks to Chris for the co-op session last week). I also saw David play Twilight Princess on his Wii today, and was somewhat disappointed. Granted that I wasn't playing, so the immersion factor was non-existant, but the graphics were somewhat of a let-down (seemed very washed out) and the presentation just seemed lacking. I hope to give it a try in the future, and I'd still like to give the Wii a shot, but I no longer have any qualms whatsoever about my decision on getting the 360. Plan on catching up and getting Knights of the Old Republic soon.
I heard from Neil today, and will be seeing him and DeSilva tomorrow after classes. We'll probably go out and get a bite to eat, which will be a nice change of pace for me as I've already grown tired of my groceries (because they're the same thing I was eating last semester!). Looking forward to catching up with them.
Lastly, I've been trying to get back into Lovecraft recently and coming up with story ideas similar to his stylistically. I'm not too sure when I'm going to have enough time to work on any such ideas, but they keep creeping into my head and fit perfectly with my sensibilities. As far as Lovecraft himself is concerned, his prose can be dry and his style repetitive (e.g. "The abomination was horrible beyond measure, such that any sane man, upon catching sight of its wicked flesh, would descend into madness..."), but his stories can be quite evocative in the right doses, and his mythos is interestingly creepy. Possibilities, I guess.
I suppose this'll do for now. Have to get up at 9 AM, which is early for the average college student, and certainly for this one.
See ya tomorrow. Same blog time, same blog station.
A Prelude
Howdy, y'all. This entry will be short and sweet due to my desire to go to bed, but I thought it would be a good idea to get the ball rolling, so to speak.
A new year, a new semester, and I thought "What the hell? Why not a new blog?" So, here it is--a new and hopefully improved effort at blogging by yours truly. I'm going to attempt to be fairly regular in my postings, though I'm not going to force myself into any deadlines as yet. Daily would be great as exercise for writing purposes, though I'm anticipating a very hectic workload ahead and that may not be possible. We'll just have to wait and see.
I arrived back in LA after spending Winter Break at home in Columbus, Ohio, where my family lives. I wish I could say I enjoyed the break, but the best I can do is say it was relaxing and I finally got to see a few people I had really been missing. I was suffering from a cold the entire time--from which I am still recovering--and it didn't snow, which, for someone who grew up with snow at Christmastime, can be a real obstacle against getting into the "spirit" of things. Lastly, my grandmother died of what we suppose was Parkinson's disease, though my grandpa didn't want an autopsy performed so we'll never know for certain. Some break, huh?
But it's over now. That time has come and gone. Much lies ahead in the times to come, and that includes this new blog. I will be writing about those times in here, along with my thoughts, my hopes, and my dreams.
A new semester begins tomorrow at USC, and while I don't have to get up early, it seems that I always end up staying up later as the semester's drag on, which means that I should probably get a move on it so as to not end up on a third-shift schedule by the time it's all over.
See you tomorrow...or is it today?
A new year, a new semester, and I thought "What the hell? Why not a new blog?" So, here it is--a new and hopefully improved effort at blogging by yours truly. I'm going to attempt to be fairly regular in my postings, though I'm not going to force myself into any deadlines as yet. Daily would be great as exercise for writing purposes, though I'm anticipating a very hectic workload ahead and that may not be possible. We'll just have to wait and see.
I arrived back in LA after spending Winter Break at home in Columbus, Ohio, where my family lives. I wish I could say I enjoyed the break, but the best I can do is say it was relaxing and I finally got to see a few people I had really been missing. I was suffering from a cold the entire time--from which I am still recovering--and it didn't snow, which, for someone who grew up with snow at Christmastime, can be a real obstacle against getting into the "spirit" of things. Lastly, my grandmother died of what we suppose was Parkinson's disease, though my grandpa didn't want an autopsy performed so we'll never know for certain. Some break, huh?
But it's over now. That time has come and gone. Much lies ahead in the times to come, and that includes this new blog. I will be writing about those times in here, along with my thoughts, my hopes, and my dreams.
A new semester begins tomorrow at USC, and while I don't have to get up early, it seems that I always end up staying up later as the semester's drag on, which means that I should probably get a move on it so as to not end up on a third-shift schedule by the time it's all over.
See you tomorrow...or is it today?
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