Monday, January 8, 2007

A Prelude

Howdy, y'all. This entry will be short and sweet due to my desire to go to bed, but I thought it would be a good idea to get the ball rolling, so to speak.

A new year, a new semester, and I thought "What the hell? Why not a new blog?" So, here it is--a new and hopefully improved effort at blogging by yours truly. I'm going to attempt to be fairly regular in my postings, though I'm not going to force myself into any deadlines as yet. Daily would be great as exercise for writing purposes, though I'm anticipating a very hectic workload ahead and that may not be possible. We'll just have to wait and see.

I arrived back in LA after spending Winter Break at home in Columbus, Ohio, where my family lives. I wish I could say I enjoyed the break, but the best I can do is say it was relaxing and I finally got to see a few people I had really been missing. I was suffering from a cold the entire time--from which I am still recovering--and it didn't snow, which, for someone who grew up with snow at Christmastime, can be a real obstacle against getting into the "spirit" of things. Lastly, my grandmother died of what we suppose was Parkinson's disease, though my grandpa didn't want an autopsy performed so we'll never know for certain. Some break, huh?

But it's over now. That time has come and gone. Much lies ahead in the times to come, and that includes this new blog. I will be writing about those times in here, along with my thoughts, my hopes, and my dreams.

A new semester begins tomorrow at USC, and while I don't have to get up early, it seems that I always end up staying up later as the semester's drag on, which means that I should probably get a move on it so as to not end up on a third-shift schedule by the time it's all over.

See you tomorrow...or is it today?

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