Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Man, it has been a while. Then again, I don't think anyone reads this (or if they do, they leave no evidence, like tricksy rats they is) so who gives a damn?

I'm not writing a noir, I'm writing a melodrama about the Xenia, OH tornado in 1974. Or, rather, the aftermath. I don't think I want to write a melodrama ever again. They are abominations to the logic of the mind.

Black MacBooks have issues. My logic board and then my hard drive failed within a month of each other ON THE SAME DAY OF THE WEEK. Monday nights. Creepy. As Charles so wisely suggested, do not buy anything Apple that isn't white or silver; they will die on you because they are an abomination to the Apple name.

Mass Effect is like a bad Stargate SG-1 episode. Maybe a good episode. I don't know because I never watched that show. I do know that it reminds of non-Battlestar Sci-Fi channel fare, and that is the epitome of abomination.

Actually, I take that back. The epitome of abomination is CNN, Fox News, and anything else that dares to call itself TV news. Watching G4 is like staring into Satan's acid-glistening asshole. And an Ohio-made horror film, Horrors of War, about Nazi zombies, makes my eyes and ears bleed; however, it was partially shot on my grandfather's farm. Probably helped the crops grow a little better that year.

Time to eat.

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